Use the tools and services created by Internet Marketers for Internet Marketers to uncover the hidden profits in your business and boost your profits.

Learn Everything You've Been Wanting To Know About Nitro Marketing, and How To Apply It To Your Business To Earn More Profits Today.

Are you ready to tap into what is working right NOW on the internet? Do you want to discover the knowledge and tools that are getting other people results, boosting other's profits, what people are really doing to become successful?

Discover how to get more done in less time by reading faster.  This program doubles your reading speed with one 16-minute audio session guaranteed.  

The now famous Hypnotic Selling Secrets home study course dramatically increases your traffic, sales, conversions and your business - guaranteed.  Should you have access to these secret hypnotic selling secrets principles that are working like magic for people just like you? 

What exactly is  Hypnotic Marketing? Well, there are 3 steps in the Hypnotic Marketing formula:

* Hypnotic Publicity
* Hypnotic Websites
* Hypnotic Email

In the 173 pg ebook Hypnotic Marketing (42 chapters plus 7 bonus sections), Joe Vitale goes into great detail on each of these steps. In the first 69 pages you’ll find out how you can get free and low cost publicity for your business, including real examples of successful publicity stunts, plus case studies and press releases that joe has written for his clients. Chapter 4 – which is labeled “the 8 proven rules for getting publicity”, is packed with valuable information for getting media attention. Chapter 9 has some very unusual, but real, case studies of successful media stunts that are sure to jumpstart your creativity and help you think of ways to get media for your own business. In step 2 Joe Vitale teaches you how to create hypnotic websites that help you to make the most amount of money as possible from your website. He even gives a “before and after” that shows exactly how to transform a ‘so-so’ website into a truly hypnotic website. The case study from chapter 31 is my favorite, and a perfect example of a company that is successfully using all 3 elements of hypnotic marketing to their advantage. Step 3, Hypnotic Email, is crammed full with valuable examples that you can model – plus tons of valuable information. For example - his “5 ways to make sure his email always gets read”. The swipe file of emails in this section are great, and worth at least 10x the price of the ebook alone.

Delve Into The Minds Of 2 World-Class Internet Marketers And Learn How They Built A Multi-Million Dollar Company In 3 Years (Starting From Scratch), and How They Routinely Create One Top-Notch Marketing Campaign After Another... Plus Learn How They Consistently Set HUGE Goals and Reach or Exceed Them Each and Every Time, Without Fail -- And How You Can Too!"

All the insider tools for what is working right now to get more traffic to your website - and even better, how to turn that traffic into profits with free and low cost proven tactics.  

How to easily make every long, ugly affiliate or website link (that even your best friend wouldn't click on) "turn into" a short, easy to remember, search engine friendly domain name that attracts clicks like a 2-ton magnet!

This Easy to Use Software Eliminates the Tax Nightmare of Your Internet Business AND Helps You Claim Every Tax Deduction you are Legally Entitled To Resulting in a Potential Windfall of Tax Savings.


Profit from the information and knowledge from proven experts.

NitroMarketing Team

Joe Vitale (Hypnotic Marketing)
Ted Nicholas  (One of the world's most successful Direct Marketers)
Jay Conrad Levinson  (Guerilla Marketing)
Joe Sugarman  (Psychological Triggers)
Joshua Shafran  (Proven step-by-step formula)
David Garfinkel  (Copywriting)
Brian Tracy  (Sales Success)
Mark Smalley  (Advertising Success)
Roger Parker  (Author Inside You)
Bob Bly  (Customer Service)
Kevin Donlin   (Customer Loyalty)
Matthew Lesko  (Free Money for Entrepreneurs)
Michel Fortin  (Internet Marketing)
Paul Krupin  (Free Publicity)
Dan Janal  (Branding on the Net)
Steve Humphrey (CGI in 2 Hours)